Empower automatic triggers and actions across multi-stage marketing campaigns, responses to various marketing channels like Web pages, emails, social media etc.

Integrating to your CRM datasets, the right message to the right prospect at the right time can be delivered. That enables a better, efficient and integrated approach to your lead management system.

Marketing Workflows
We help design and execute your marketing workflows that are centered around your prospects and nurture them efficiently through your sales funnel, 24/7.
With an intuitive and easy-to-use drag & drop user interface, anyone can design their own email content and layout without a single line of code.
Workflow Automation
At an email campaign, use if/then logic block to perform specific tasks after an email has been opened, clicked or replied. For example, dedicate a workflow to automate a task of triggering a sales lead, or assign engaged prospects to a salesperson etc.
When organizing your web seminars or events, the workflows from launching marketing campaigns, sending invitations, filling up forms of registration, or keeping track of attendance, the whole customer journey and user experience will be properly guided. All datasets related to customer interactive actions and responses can be properly tracked and captured for data analytics.
When integrating with AI and API services, datasets collected through marketing campaigns could be stored, analyzed and recorded based on your business goals and interests. Business opportunities and insights could then be identified and realized.
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